Couple and Relationship Training

As a Counsellor:


Do you turn down the opportunity to counsel couples in relationships, feeling that you lack the skills?


Do you find difficulties working with individuals who bring a relationship focus?


Would you like to learn more about the skills, theory and dynamics of relationships?



          An overview of the content that will be covered is-


  • The difference between counselling individuals and couples: the counselling triangle, additional skills, transference and projections.
  • The process of counselling linked: Exploration/Understanding/Action, together with appropriate integration of skills and theoretical understanding
  • Development of relationships: Levinger’s Model of Relationships, Erikson’s Developmental Stages
  • Dynamics of Couple Relationships: Marital Fit, Family patterns, geneograms, systems
  • Sexual Issues: Classification of sexual issues, skills to explore the sexual issue, the role of sex in the relationship
  • Impact of affairs and how to survive
  • Physical Violence in relationships and contracting
  • Communication - how to communicate and homework
  • Ethics - single sessions, split agendas confidentiality, notes.
9.30am to 4.30pm each day (six days)
CPD not running for the foreseeable future 
50 hours CPD to include one written assignment.
The Training will take place at:

Dorothy Holman Youth and Community Centre


Ferry Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0JW




Topsham Parking info



The cheapest parking is Holman Way (see above link)


The venue is a short walk from the Station (see pics below,open for descriptions)




This Training is over six full days:


 Earlybird £575 (payable in full in in advance)


Thereafter £635 (deposit of £135)



The cost includes all course materials (with the exception of theoretical books) and


break time refreshments. Lunch is availablein Topsham High Street


 or feel free to bring your own and eat at the Venue.



The Course is participatory and places are limited.


(8 Minimum and 18 Maximum)



The CPD will be taught by Jane Hancock and Carol Hazelton



Please contact me for a course outline and an application form on -


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