Working with a Supervisor means that a Counsellor or Psychotherapist uses the services of another Counsellor or Psychotherapist normally with training in Supervision to reveiw their work with clients, their professional development and often their personal development. As well as looking at and developing their internal supervisor and the process of their work.
The time can also be used for learning new skills for working with clients and trainee and newly qualified counsellors often spend more time working in this way than more experienced counsellors.
"Counselling Supervision is a formal and mutually agreed arrangement for counsellors to discuss their work regularly with somebody who is normally an experienced and competent counsellor and familiar with the process of counselling supervision" (BACP Code of Ethics and Practice for Supervisors of Counsellors)
Counselling Supervision is considered essential for effective counselling. All BACP, UKCP & NCPS members working as counsellors are bound by their Ethical Frameworks to monitor their counselling through ongoing supervision.
I also offer a
'Making the most of Supervision Resource Pack'
please see information at end of this page.
Private Practice Consultative Supervision
I offer 'Ad Hoc' Supervision Sessions for those starting out in Private Practice or wanting to improve their practice. I have been a therapist for more than twenty years and also have a history in Corporate Business. It can be useful to have Consultative Supervision if you want to keep your current supervisor.
These sessions focus purely on you, your development and your career and business. Please contact me to discuss what you would find helpful.
The rate for these sessions is the same as Clinical Supervision.
I am a qualified Senior Accredited Supervisor and also have a wide experience of group supervision.
My theoretical background is Integrative with the focus on Person Centred relational theory, having experienced a wide range of Continuing Professional Development I have incorporated other approaches into my work over the years. An example of this would be the use of CBT where appropriate (I trained with the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre).
Models of supervision are varied and I draw on these and offer supervision that is adapted to how you as a supervisee would like to work, and what suits your working practice.
My background in counselling covers a wide variety of areas such as charity work, youth work and the NHS as well as broad experience in Private Practice. This has offered me the opportunity to work with a numer of people and the issues they have brought.
I have also Supervised for a number of Charities including experience working with Devon Rape Crisis Service and The Exeter Sexual Assault Team and currently those offering bereavement support.
I have been a Lecturer on the Counselling Diploma at Exeter College and spent ten years working with Students, this means that I have experience with Counsellors' Personal Development and Professional Development together with in depth knowledge of a number of theoretical approaches.
I also teach a Supervision Certificate within my Training company Exeter and East Devon Counselling Training.
Some Counsellors use Group Supervision, in which several therapists confer on each others work. Ordinarily this is used in addition to individual supervision, rather than as a replacement.
I offer facilitation as a group supervisor and ran supervision groups in my work as a Lecturer. This can be a cost effective way of building up your supervision hours, especially if you are working towards Accreditation with BACP, UKCP or NCPS. I have the facilities within my practice to accommodate small groups.
I am also happy to offer 'one off sessions' to cover a regular supervisor who may be unavailable and to offer a session in an area where you feel you need extra support, or where your regular supervisor does not offer supervision for example Couples Work.
Supervision is a professional service and in a similar way to contracting with clients we will discuss and enter into a contract/working agreement which we will talk over in the first session.
I believe in making our relationship as equal as possible and so I am happy to discuss with you what you require from supervision.
If you are interested and would like to have a chat regarding supervision please get in touch, I would be delighted to hear from you
My fees are-
Individual Supervision
£60 per hour or £90 for one and a half hours
(Face to Face, Online or Walk and Talk)
Group Supervision
£60 per hour
Email on
I am very happy to talk things through with you and answer any questions you may have.
The pack includes 20 items of theory input, resources and exercises which will enable you to make use of any supervision session more effectively.
It will assist you with structuring and reflecting prior to your session allowing you to make the most of the time.
Enabling you to develop your internal supervisor so that you can be more focused.
If you work through the theory and exercises the time spent can count as CPD hours.
Supervision functions and uses
Differences between Counselling and Supervision
Preparing to present: Preparation styles (exercise/tool)
Presenting a case for Supervision
Case presentation (tool)
Supervisor’s role in Developmental Supervision
Tasks and Goals of Supervision (including exercise)
Analysis of expectations in Supervision
Three Areas of Supervision (NFR Model)
Working Alliance Qualities (exercise)
Supervisee blocks to supervision
What motivates you? (exercise)
Self-Disclosure in Supervision (exercise)
Supervision Journal for Client reflection (tool)
Counsellor Reflections for Supervision (tool)
Internal Supervisor: Counsellor Reflections (tool)
Creative Reflection on Client work (exercise/tool)
Evaluating Cultural Self Awareness (exercise)
Supervision log (tool)
Supervision notes sheet (tool)
Pack Cost is £25 please email for information or to purchase.
(The pack will be delivered by email)