I offer Single or 'one off' Sessions of either an hour or an hour and a half.
This is a stand-alone session where we work together on a specific issue assuming it is the only time we will meet. That does not mean you cannot choose to return for appointments at another time.
The session is goal focussed and will help you identify and learn skills to enable you to get yourself 'unstuck'. I make use of Coginitive Behavioural Therapy and Solution Focussed Therapy principles and the focus is on your strengths and competencies.
Often by solving issues in one area of your life you are able to make improvements in other areas.
Alternatively the session can be used to focus on an issue that is troubling you and that you would like to talk through with someone in confidence but do not feel the need for regular sessions. It may be the case that your life does not allow for this regular therapy and so the flexibility suits you.
Single Sessions can also be very helpful to work on something specific alongside Health and Wellness Goals. Please see the "Health, Exercise and Nutrition" page for
details of Coaching with Dr. Matt Hancock, Health and Performance Coach. Alongside Coaching he also offers Single Sessions focussed on weight, life and diet. Improving physical health can also
improve our mental health.
The fee for "Single Session" counselling is the same as standard therapy which is £60 per hour (£90 for one and a half hours and can be face to face or online)
Please feel free to get in touch by phone on 07482 789610 or email on jane@eastdevoncounsellingservice.co.uk for further information or to make an appointment.