Working with Anger....An important emotion


Anger is often an unwanted emotion and can be

expressed or supressed unhelpfully.


As well as developing the skills and competencies to meet the needs of the client it is important for the counsellor to be aware of thgeir own internalised beliefs about anger and its' role.






To look at the purpose of anger for the individual


To look at triggers for anger and the ways in which anger is expressed


Introduce ways to enable the client to identify and manage anger


To consider our personal relationship with anger and how this might impact on


   the therapeutic relationship Anger is often an unwanted amotion



CPD not running for the foreseeable future 
9.30am to 4.30pm
6 hours CPD 
The Training will take place at:
Matthews Hall, Fore Street, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0HF



Directions to Matthews Hall and Parking



The cheapest parking is Holman Way (see above link)


The venue is a short walk from the Station. 




Earlybird £80 


Thereafter £95 



The cost includes all course materials (with the exception of theoretical books) and


break time refreshments. Lunch is available in the cafe at the hall, in Topsham High


Street or feel free to bring your own and eat in the Training room.



The Course is participatory and places are limited.


(8 Minimum and 18 Maximum)



The Day will be taught by Jane Hancock and Maureen Vernon



Please contact me for a course outline and an application form on -

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